The urban labs
The urban Labs were a week-long visual urbanism residency format. An intense programme of walks and talks, practice and theory was carried out during 6 days. Traditionally, the urban lab would culminate in a public exhibition of all the resulting work in a cultural venue in the host city. Additionally, a selection of the projects would be shown as part of a final showcase curated by Urbiquity at the end of the respective season.
The Urban Lab residency aimed to create experiences where urbanists from around the world can learn from and add to the local urban discourse. By learning about the specific urban struggles facing the city that derive from their specific geopolitical context, the participants would create new projects around the central theme. Urbiquity curates the week-long programme of talks, seminars, site visits, walks and urban interventions as well as the final exhibit.
All together there were six iterations of the urban lab format in Tallinn, Milan and Madrid with the end of year results shown in London on several occasions.